Parallel Digital Reverb
While browsing through The Computer Music Tutorial by Curtis Roads, I came across a beautifully simple reverberator circuit. This circuit simulates the acoustic effect of a particular space—such as a concert hall or cathedral—using only two components: comb and all-pass filters. The filters can be tuned to simulate a variety of different spaces.
This design is fairly old; it’s credited to Manfred Schroeder during his time at Bell Labs in the mid 20th centure. From what I can tell, nowadays people are mostly using alternative techniques such as convolution reverb.
My first thought was how fun it would be to turn this circuit
into a parallel benchmark for
, the compiler I’m developing at
Carnegie Mellon University. And soon enough, I found myself deep in the rabbit
hole of writing code and running experiments.
Here are the results. Impressive, for a circuit so simple!
original | |
with reverb |
In this post, I describe the process of designing and implementing a fast parallel reverb algorithm, based on the circuit shown above. At first, seeing as how the circuit is built from two components (comb and all-pass filters), it might seem that we need to design two algorithms. But it turns out that if you have a fast comb filter, then you essentially already have a fast all-pass algorithm, for free. So, most of my effort went into designing and implementing a fast comb filter and optimizing it to reduce the number of writes and increase the number of cache hits. Overall, this turned out to be much more interesting (and trickier) than I expected. After powering through a fiery hell of off-by-one index arithmetic, I managed to get the overhead down to approximately \(2\times\) and speedups up to \(11\times\). The self-scalability is quite impressive: up to \(27\times\).
If you have any comments, leave a note below! And if you’re curious to see source code, check out my initial work and final implementation on GitHub.
What is a Comb Filter?
A feedback comb filter produces many equally-spaced echoes of a sound, where each echo is dimished in intensity. I’ve drawn an example below. The input appears first, colored in blue, and each distinct echo is a different color. (The actual output signal would be the sum of all these echoes together as one signal.)
Essentially, a comb filter combines two effects: attenuation and delay.
If a large enough delay between echoes is used, the effect of a comb filter is essentially the same as the looping “delay” effect which is sometimes used by musicians (particularly electric guitarists, for example with an effect pedal). But when the delay is small—say, on the order of milliseconds—the effect of a comb filter is primarily “spectral”, causing us to perceive it as modifying the quality of the sound itself.
original | |
half-second comb | |
10 millisecond comb |
The name “comb filter” comes from the effect that the comb filter has in the frequency domain: it results in equally spaced peaks, like the tines of a comb.
Working with analog circuitry, a comb filter can be implemented with a simple feedback loop, as shown below. Each time around the loop, the signal is delayed and attenuated (scaled by some \(\alpha \in [0,1]\)).
Comb Filter Equation. Mathematically, a comb filter can be defined by the following equation. We write \(S[i]\) for the \(i\)th sample of the input, and similarly \(C[i]\) for a sample of the output. The constant \(D\) is the delay (measured in samples) between echoes, and \(\alpha \in [0,1]\) controls the intensity of each successive echo.
\[C[i] = S[i] + \alpha C[i - D]\]All-Pass Filters Are Fancy Combs
An all-pass filter affects the phase of different frequencies, shifting them around, causing the original sound to become “mis-aligned”. This is commonly used in electronic music to implement an effect called a phaser. The name “all-pass” comes from the fact that all frequencies of the input are allowed to “pass through”, unmodified in strength.
A typical analog implementation of an all-pass circuit might look like this:
Looking closely, notice that the all-pass circuit uses a feedback loop which looks a lot like a comb filter. If we rearrange some things, we can see that an all-pass filter is actually just a comb filter with some extra machinery.
Mathematically, the following equation is another way of saying the same thing. (\(S\) is the input signal, \(C\) is the result of combing the input, and \(A\) is the output of the all-pass.)
\[A[i] = -\alpha S[i] + (1-\alpha^2) C[i-D]\]This is good news, because now we can focus on just implementing the comb filter. Once we have it, we get an all-pass filter essentially for free.
Parallel Comb Filter
At a high level, the comb filter problem is to solve the comb filter equation \(C[i] = S[i] + \alpha C[i - D]\), where the inputs are \(S\), \(\alpha\), and \(D\), and the output is \(C\).
The parallel algorithm I came up with is based on two ideas.
- First, we can split the problem into independent “columns”. These columns can computed in parallel, however this does not expose enough parallelism on its own, especially for small values of \(D\) (the delay parameter).
- Next, we can parallelize each column. To do so, I identify a problem called geometric prefix-sums. Each column is one instance of the geometric prefix-sums problem, and we can solve it by adapting a well-known algorithm for parallel prefix-sums.
Combining the two ideas above, we get an algorithm for computing the comb filter with \(O(N)\) work and \(O(\log(N/D))\) span, which is work-efficient (asymptotically, it performs the same amount of work as the fastest possible sequential algorithm) and highly parallel.
Split the input into columns and then in parallel compute the geometric prefix-sums of the columns.
Work and span are abstract cost measures of a parallel algorithm. The work is the total number of operations performed, and the span is the number of operations on the critical path (i.e. the longest chain of operations that must occur sequentially one-by-one).
Given an algorithm with work \(W\) and span \(S\), a computer with \(P\) processors can execute that algorithm in \(O(W/P + S)\) time. Intuitively, on each step the computer executes up to \(P\) operations (one on each processor), but there must be at least \(S\) steps overall.
Splitting Into Columns
The comb filter equation \(C[i] = S[i] + \alpha C[i - D]\) can be broken up into \(D\) independent computations. Specifically, imagine laying out \(C\) as a matrix, where at row \(i\) and column \(j\) we put \(C[iD + j]\). In this layout, each column is a standalone computation, completely independent of the values in the other columns. For example, as soon as we know the value \(C[2]\), we can immediately compute \(C[D+2]\) and then \(C[2D+2]\), etc.
Since the columns are independent of one another, we can compute them in parallel. But what do we do inside each column? We could proceed sequentially from top to bottom… however, this does not provide enough parallelism. One column contains up to \(\lceil N / D \rceil\) elements, leaving us with \(O(N/D)\) span, which for small values of \(D\) is not very parallel at all. Ideally, we’d like to be able to do a single column in logarithmic span, say \(O(\log(N/D))\).
Parallelizing Each Column
In this section, I show how each column is essentially a variant of the prefix-sums problem and describe how to adapt a well-known algorithm.
Setting the Stage. The \(i\)th input of the \(j^\text{th}\) column is \(S[iD+j]\), and similarly the outputs are \(C[iD+j]\). Let’s simplify the dicussion by defining \(X[i] = S[iD+j]\) and taking \(X\) as our input sequence. Then, abstractly, the problem we’re trying to solve is to produce a sequence \(Y\) where \(Y[i] = C[iD+j]\), i.e. the output column of combed samples.
With this setup, the comb filter equation gives us the following recurrence for \(Y\).
\[Y[i] = X[i] + \alpha Y[i-1]\]If we unroll this recurrence, we can see that each output element is a prefix-sum of inputs scaled by powers of \(\alpha\).
\[Y[i] = \sum_{k=0}^i \alpha^{i-k} X[k]\]Let’s call this problem the geometric prefix-sums problem. We can solve it with following algorithm, which I’ve adapted from a parallel prefix-sums algorithm.
Inputs: \(\alpha \in [0,1]\) and sequence \(X\).
Output: sequence \(Y\) where \(Y[i] = \sum_{k=0}^i \alpha^{i-k} X[k]\).
The algorithm consists of three steps:
- (Contraction Step) In parallel, combine adjacent input elements in “blocks” of size 2. Specifically, for each even \(i\), compute \(\alpha X[i] + X[i+1]\). These are called the block-sums. Note that there are half as many block-sums as input values, so we’ve reduced the problem in half.
- (Recursive Step) Recursively compute the geometric prefix-sums of the block-sums. In the recursive call, use \(\alpha^2\) instead of \(\alpha\). The results of this step are the odd indices of \(Y\).
- (Expansion Step) Fill in the missing (even) indices by computing \(Y[i] = X[i] + \alpha Y[i-1]\) for each even \(i\). Note that each \(Y[i-1]\) is one of the outputs of the previous step.
Here’s an example for an input of size 6.
Note that the results of the recursive call are geometric prefix-sums of block-sums. For example, \(Y[3]\) is the geometric prefix-sum (using \(\alpha^2\)) of two block-sums:
Work and Span. On an input of size \(N\), the geometric prefix-sums algorithm recursively uses a problem of size \(N/2\) and otherwise does \(O(N)\) work, all of which is fully parallel. This yields the following work and span recurrences, which solve to \(O(N)\) work and \(O(\log N)\) span.
- Work: \(W(N) = W(N/2) + O(N)\)
- Span: \(S(N) = S(N/2) + O(1)\)
Applying the geometric prefix-sums algorithm to a column of size \(\lceil N/D \rceil\), we have an algorithm for computing one column of the comb filter in \(O(N/D)\) work and \(O(\log(N/D))\) span. In total, for \(D\) columns, that gives us a parallel comb algorithm with \(O(N)\) work and \(O(\log(N/D))\) span. Nice!
Making It Fast In Practice
Our parallel comb algorithm is fast in theory: it is asymptotically work-efficient (it matches the work of the fastest possible sequential algorithm) and highly parallel (it has low span—logarithmic, in this case).
But is the algorithm fast in practice? If implemented exactly as described above, no! I tried this, and found that a naive implementation of our parallel comb algorithm is as much as 12 times slower on one processor than a fast sequential implementation.
It’s easy to make the mistake of focusing on scalability, not raw speed. That is, I could have told you that my naive code gets 7.5 times faster when I use 8 processors instead of 1, and that would have seemed pretty good. But still, it’s slower than the sequential code, so what’s the point?
My naive implementation is useless for machines with just a few processors. And even with large multicores, it’s still not very efficient to use an order of magnitude more energy just to get the same result in slightly less time.
To make the algorithm fast, we need to reduce the amount of work it performs by nearly an order of magnitude. This might seem like a daunting optimization task, but there are some really easy fixes we can make that will get us most of the way there: reducing the number of writes, and increasing the number of cache hits.
Fewer Memory Writes
When designing parallel algorithms, it can be really helpful to consider how many memory updates the algorithm performs. Simply put, updating memory is expensive, but reading from memory is fast (and parallelizes well). If we can reduce the overall number of writes to memory, then we might be able to improve practical performance.
So let’s count the number of memory updates performed by our parallel geometric prefix-sums algorithm on an input of size \(N\), written \(u(N)\). The algorithm first constructs an array of \(N/2\), then recurses on this array, and finally constructs an array of size \(N\). Adding these all up, we have \(u(N) = u(N/2) + 3N/2\) which solves to \(u(N) \approx 3N\). That is, the algorithm performs about \(3N\) memory updates on an input of size \(N\).
Now compare this against the fastest possible sequential geometric prefix-sums algorithm. Sequentially, we can do exactly \(N\) writes with a single left-to-right pass over the input data. Our parallel algorithm does three times as many writes! Perhaps this is a significant source of overhead. Let’s try to decrease it.
Fewer Writes with Bigger Blocks. Recall that the parallel geometric prefix-sums algorithm begins by computing \(N/2\) “block-sums”, where the blocks are size 2. We can generalize this to any constant block-size \(B\) as follows.
- In the contraction step, scan through each block entirely to compute its block-sum. For example with \(B=3\), the block-sum of a block starting at index \(i\) would be \(\alpha^2 X[i] + \alpha X[i+1] + X[i+2]\).
- In the recursive step, use a scaling factor of \(\alpha^B\). The results of this step are the outputs at indices \(B-1\), \(2B-1\), etc.
- In the expansion step, scan through the blocks again to fill in the missing indices, using the results of the previous step as the initial values.
With this strategy, the number of updates is \(u(N) = u(N/B) + N/B + N\) which solves to \(u(N) \approx \frac {B+1} {B-1} N\). With a modest block-size, say \(B = 100\), we get \(u(N) \approx 1.02 N\), which is only \(2\%\) away from optimal.
In my implementation, I measured a 20% performance improvement by increasing the block-size from 2 to 100. I’d call this pretty good, but clearly there’s something else which needs attention.
Better Cache Utilization
Each column consists of elements \(D\) indices apart (i.e. the \(j\)th column consists of elements \(S[D+j]\), \(S[2D+j]\), \(S[3D+j]\), etc). These elements are not adjacent in memory, causing our algorithm to have really poor cache utilization. Essentially, every lookup of an input element is guaranteed to be a cache miss.
To get better cache utilization, we need to try to guarantee that when we access an element, we also immediately access nearby elements. This suggests that we should do multiple adjacent columns together as one unit, because physically adjacent elements belong to adjacent columns.
We could first transpose the input, turning columns into rows, and therefore guaranteeing that physically adjacent elements are also part of the same instance of the geometric prefix-sums. But this would require at least an additional \(2N\) writes: first to do the transpose, and then to transpose back again afterwards.
At a high level, the change we need to make to the algorithm is switching from 1-dimensional blocks (as in the previous section) to 2-dimensional blocks. It might help to see the illustration below. The input to the comb is a matrix of \(D\) columns and \(\lceil N/D \rceil\) rows. Focusing on one group of \(K\) adjacent columns, we break up this group into blocks of height \(B\) and width \(K\). Each block yields \(K\) block-sums, and just like before, we recursively compute the geometric prefix-sums of the block-sums and then expand to produce the output columns.
Be warned: implementing the 2-D blocking strategy is a fiery hell of off-by-one index arithmetic errors. A part of me is beginning to believe that I just enjoy this sort of suffering.
In my implementation, I measured nearly a \(4\times\) performance improvement by doing groups of 100 columns together as one unit. Wow, now we’re getting somewhere!
Performance Results
Above, I described two significant performance optimizations which reduced the number of memory updates and increased the number of cache hits. Where does that leave us?
Here are the overheads (with respect to the fast sequential algorithm) for a variety of different combinations of parameters \(B\) (block height) and \(K\) (block width, i.e. number of adjacent columns). I’ve marked the three implementations discussed: the “naive parallel” implementation, and the two stages of optimizing it. There are a couple other interesting spots in the design space to consider: for example, if we had first worked on increasing the number of cache hits (\(B=2\), \(K=100\)), we would have seen only a \(2\times\) performance improvement. It’s the combination of the two optimizations which gives us the biggest performance improvement (about \(5\times\)).
B (block height) | K (block width) | Overhead | Notes |
2 | 1 | 11.9 | “naive parallel” implementation |
100 | 1 | 9.7 | with “fewer writes” optimization |
2 | 100 | 5.4 | |
100 | 100 | 2.6 | with “more cache hits” optimization |
600 | 600 | 2.4 |
Even in the best configuration, we’re still about \(2\times\) slower than the fast sequential algorithm. So there’s still more work to do. But that is much better than the \(12\times\) overhead we started with.
Now that we’ve spent so much time optimizing the sequential overhead of our comb algorithm, it’s time to look at how parallel it is. As expected, the parallelism is quite good!
In this plot, the “self-speedup” line shows how our algorithm scales relative to its own 1-processor performance, and the “speedup” line shows scalability relative to the fast sequential algorithm. Notice that the self-speedup line is about twice as high as the speedup line, which matches the approximately \(2\times\) overhead we measured above. In some sense, the self-speedup line shows what we could hope to achieve by further optimizing the algorithm. The speedup line shows our current reality: a maximum improvement over the fast sequential algorithm of about \(11\times\).
With a good comb filter in hand, we get an all-pass filter essentially for free, and together these filters can be used to simulate a pretty convincing reverb effect, using Schroeder’s reverberator circuit.
In this post, I described the process of designing and implementing a fast comb filter algorithm. At first, a naive implementation was an order of magnitude slower than a simple sequential algorithm. After optimizing the heck out of the parallel implementation, I got big performance gains (\(5\times\) improvement), but that still leaves us with about \(2\times\) overhead.
The takeaway? Designing a good parallel algorithm isn’t always that hard. The tricky part is making it competitive with a fast sequential algorithm.
Work hard, span easy, yall.